Curriculum Vitae

Toru Takahashi, which is a common name as Google tells, was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1973, which is the largest prime number that he knows :-) He attended Tokyo Institute of Technology from 1992 to 1998, where he received a bachelor and a master of engineering degree in 1996 and 1998, respectively. He joined to Kyoto University in 1998 and got a doctoral degree of engineering for "Study on fast solution methods of boundary integral equations in time domain" in 2002. Afterward he had worked for the computational science division (currently, compuational astrophysics lab) of RIKEN as a postdoc for four years. He was also a part-time lecturer at Toyo University from 2003 to 2005. Then he experienced a year of postdoc at the division of disaster mitigation science in Earthquake Research Institute in 2006. Since 2007, he has worked for Nagoya University. He visited the mechanics and computation group at Stanford University for a joint project in summer 2008. He became a lecturer in Octorber 2010 and then an associate professor in October 2015. And then?