
過去のメンバー: 2009年度, 2008年度, 2007年度.
I am working on the random laser phenomena based on the large-scale finite element analyses.
I'm from Harbin Institute of Technology and studying as a doctor course student at Nagoya University under the China State-funded Study Abroad Program. I am currently working on the eigenvalue analysis using BEM.
I am a professional illustrator of MOE characters.
I'm developing an application that is an interactive graphical user interface application for N-ASP database.
I'm the chief manager of Lab Affairs. I'm studying shape and topology optimization problems for three-dimensional elastic bodies using boundary element method.
I'm studying inverse identification problems of defects and inclusions from time-harmonic elastodynamic resoponce.
I'm studying extraordinary transmission of elastic waves through thin slits.
I'm studying shape and topology optimization problems using fast-multipole boundary element method.
I'm studying the extraordinary elastodynamic wave transmission and collimation through a plate.
I am a new member from April.
I'm studying lasing phenomena of photonic device.
I'm also a new member from April.
A new member from April.
A new member from April.
A new member from April.
A new member from April.
A new member from April.
A new member from April.
A new member from April.
A new member from April.
I'm also a new member from October. I am preparing for the next graduate school entrance exam of Doctor course.
I'm also a new member from April. I am preparing for the next graduate school entrance exam of Master course.

Copyright (c) 2011 Matsumoto Lab, Nagoya Univerisity. All rights researved.

Last update: October 7, 2011.